Southern Fried Pics! (and Dolores)

I had a great 3 day weekend just chilling with my grandparents. Went up Thursday after work and we went to eat at Red Lobster… clam chowder yay!

I got a decent amount of embroidery work done over the weekend. Still clocking behind where I want to be but I’m starting to feel more confident.

Catty Bob was curious but didn’t really bother me like Luna does. He sat and watched for a bit and then went back to Mema’s lap for a nap.

Went to Joanns friday morning and got my lining for the top and pants (also mockup), and a few patterns since they were on sale.
Also went by Target and got this for my car:

And these sweet boots:

There were the last pair, they were actually in my size, and were on super-duper clearance. Yay!

Friday Chase came up after work and we had dinner at Red Robin, then back to the house for more embroidery and movie watching. (Thurs night I watched Chicago and half of Marie Antoinette. Fri night was the other half of Marie Antoinette and The Young Victoria. Sat night was Fellowship of the Ring)

Saturday we got up, I ironed my costume, got my makeup on and got dressed and we headed to the con!

Mema gave us all selfie sticks for Christmas and I told her I’d brought mine with me. She said she didn’t even know what they were for so I showed her LOL

Southern Fried Comic Con is a great little con. It’s all in one hall at the Jackson fairgrounds and has a good variety of dealers (selling art, homemade items, vintage stuff, current collectibles, comics, etc – it’s a good mix, not too much of one kind of thing). Everything is spaced out nicely so you don’t feel crowded.

They also have neat photo-ops areas including a nice, full-size TARDIS which I should’ve gotten my picture by and I didn’t.

I did get my pic in the action figure box tho.

After we made out way around the floor a couple of times, we headed back to my grandparents house and did a quick photoshoot before we ran out for lunch. I don’t have everything uploaded yet but here’s a few:

Overall I was pretty happy with Dolores. It was comfortable to wear though I still need to go back and tweak my corset (I had to go back and repair it in a gazillion places – it’s my old Jane corset and I used premade boning channels in it instead of doing my own. The boning channels suck and the boning keeps popping through the ends. I thought I’d gotten them all but halfway through the con I could feel one poking me!).
It was super windy out while we were taking photos which was nice for the skirt but not so nice for my wig. I’m going to have to take it apart, brush it out and recurl it before VisionCon it got so tossed around.
Also — my skirt has some gnarly wrinkles in the photos above and that is 100% just from riding in the car. This fabric is apparently going to be a pain, haha.

HERE are the rest of our pics from Saturday morning btw.

I kinda wish we had gone back after lunch, but I’ve gotten to where I get sooo tired after just a couple of hours in costume. I don’t know if I could’ve done more. I was exhausted the rest of the day.

My one purchase at the con was 2 old Disney VHS tapes — the big clamshell kind from the 80s. I got Sword in the Stone and The Great Mouse Detective. For some reason I never had those 2 as a kid so now my Disney VHS collection is a little more complete.

OH! I forgot:

This seller had TWO copies of Mario Paint. I LOVED MARIO PAINT OMG I had to take a picture of this to text to dad. We used to come up with the silliest stuff on Mario Paint.

And also yesterday at the book store I had a gift card to blow so I bought that Star Wars Bloodline novel which I’ve heard good things about, and…

Arrrgh I said I wasn’t going to keep buying Pops but they were soooo cute I had to have them.

Now I’m gonna go update my portfolio yay!